It is made up of the full range of adult Afrovirtues products for styling, treatment of hair and scalp ailments, and also general hair maintenance. Recommended for Dandruff, edges, tough hair, psoriasis, hair growth and every other hair and scalp issue. It is made up of 11 products;
African herbal shampoo, Green Tea and Moringa Deep conditioner, Hair Growth Butter, Hair growth Oil, Dandruff & Anti-itch oil, Daily hair Moisturizer, Edge repair cream, Flaxseed curl defining cream, Flaxseed Aloevera Detangler, Frizz hero leave in conditioner, Guava hair tonic.
It is made up of the Full Range of Kids Afrovirtues products for styling, treatment of hair and scalp ailments, and also general hair maintenance for kids.
It contains 6 products: Kids Straw berry deep conditioner, Kids sweet pine body butter, kids Multi Frootie Hair Growth Butter, kids Multi Frootie hair growth oil, Kids No frizz Hair Milk, Kids Strawberry Herbal Soap.
*for kids below 1, only use kids hair butter,hair oil , body butter and leave in conditioner
Suitable for kids between 6 months – 11years
This package is recommended for thick long full and healthy hair. It stops hair breakage, restores front hair and reduces hair loss. It is made up of 7 products that accelerate hair growth: African herbal repair shampoo, Hair growth butter, Hair growth oil, Guava hair loss tonic, Green Tea & Moringa deep conditioner, Edge repair cream, Frizz Hero Leave in conditioner
Recommended for bald patches/spots & thining hair to restore hair in the affected areas. It restores and strengthens hair.
It is made up of 6 products specially handpicked to solve the above issues:
Herbal repair shampoo, Herbal hair growth oil, Guava hair tonic, Green Tea & moringa deep conditioner, Hair growth butter, Edge repair cream
This package is recommended for receding hairline and stunted growth. It accelerates hair growth, especially at the hairline region by repairing receding hairline. It consist of 6 products that increase hair volume and restores hair:
African herbal shampoo, Green Tea and moringa deep conditioner, Herbal Hair growth butter, Herbal Hair growth oil, Edge repair cream, Guava hair toni
This package is recommended for dandruff, itchy scalp, psoriasis, Scalp eczema, and other scalp conditions. It is made up of 5 products that are specially for hair and scap treatment:
Herbal repair shampoo, Green Tea and moringa deep conditioner, Dandruff & Anti-itch oil, Hair growth butter, Daily Hair Moisturizers
It consists of 6 products: Herbal hair shampoo, Green tea & moringa deep conditioner, Frizz Hero Leave in conditioner, Herbal Hair growth butter, – This package is recommended for people who want to transition from relaxed or texturized hair to natural hair. It is suitable for people who just want to start growing their hair. It is also for general hair maintenance. Herbal Hair growth oil, Daily hair Moisturizer
This package is recommended to treat Alopecia, chronic hair loss at the edges caused by relaxers, chemicals, tight braids & weaves and bad edges. It consist of 5 products: Green tea & Moringa deep conditioner, Herbal Hair growth Butter, Herbal Hair growth oil, Edge repair Cream ,Guava Hair Tonic